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Recent AnnouncementExamination 1445
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Al Madrasa-tul- Fatimiya Rawalpindi) was first set up in Rawalpindi in 1980. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasa is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariat of Islam.
Recent AnnouncementIstifada Ilmiyah 1445
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Al Madrasa-tul- Fatimiya Rawalpindi) was first set up in Rawalpindi in 1980. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasa is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariat of Islam.
Recent AnnouncementsResult Announcement
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Al Madrasa-tul- Fatimiya Rawalpindi) was first set up in Rawalpindi in 1980. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasa is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariat of Islam.
Weekly AkhbarWeek 1
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Al Madrasa-tul- Fatimiya Rawalpindi) was first set up in Rawalpindi in 1980. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasa is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariat of Islam.
Weekly AkhbarWeek 2
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Al Madrasa-tul- Fatimiya Rawalpindi) was first set up in Rawalpindi in 1980. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasa is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariat of Islam.
Weekly AkhbarWeek 3
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Al Madrasa-tul- Fatimiya Rawalpindi) was first set up in Rawalpindi in 1980. The Primary goal is to teach the children of the Bohra followers the Religion of Islam and the Fatimi Shia Traditions. At present the curriculum of the Madrasa is the teaching of Al Quran, the daily prayers and the Shariat of Islam.




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